Monday, September 16, 2024

Behind the Scenes of "TENSION HIGH" by Alexa Name

TENSION HIGH was one of the four original songs that I was going to make with Lavend3r that were for my capstone project at Berklee. My capstone project was an EP and the four songs were going to be GODDAMN BABY!, UNAWARE, TENSION HIGH, and another one I won’t say right now because I have not released it yet (it’s coming soon). But, yeah, TENSION HIGH was one of the four originals. The thing is we started recording those, and they were so good, in our opinion they were great, so we just kept recording more and more and more things. We ended up tossing the EP in a way and just made a ton of songs that will eventually be an album. 

TENSION HIGH was the third or fourth song that I made with Lavend3r, and that I had ever recorded in a studio. So I was way more comfortable at that point. I remember the first song I made with Lavend3r I was still kind of unsure of like where to put ad-libs or was unsure where to speak up about what I want and what I don’t want and the whole thing. I was still learning, and TENSION HIGH definitely felt more comfortable. A big thing, for example, that I remember that I felt super comfortable with was in the second verse and in the chorus you can hear some breaths that are off beat in the background. I felt that those were really cool and my friend John didn’t want them, but I fought for them. And I’m so glad that I did because I really love them. And you can really hear them more on the live track where my lead vocals are not there. But it’s really cool. I played the live track the other day for my friends and they were like “Oh my god! They’re so cool!” and I was so proud. 

The song is about that situationship I talk about in UNAWARE and GODDAMN BABY! as well. I was in a class at Berklee, a songwriting class that I had to write a song for every week. And it could be about anything. At that point while I was taking the class I had that situationship so that was my inspiration at the time. My songs were basically my diary and I would write a song every week about what was happening. And TENSION HIGH at that point, every time I saw my situationship I felt the vibes…you know, the vibes. I felt them and felt that they wanted to say something and they didn’t and it was the same with me, right? It was more like, we’re in the same friend group, we don’t want to ruin anything. At the same time there’s something there and I would think about that person every time I wasn’t with them, and that’s why the chorus says “I’ll be thinking about you in the middle of the night”. The cool part about the song, in my opinion, is that it goes from my perspective to their perspective. That’s why the second chorus instead of saying I it says you…like "you’ll be thinking about me in the middle of the night” because the tension was there with the both of us. 

It was really fun to record the song. I made the song with Lavend3r and Zani, who is an exceptional musician. They helped me build the song into what it is. Every song I made with Lavend3r, except for one we haven’t released yet, I always came in with the chords, the lyrics, the melody, everything and then John, Nicco and Zani would help me build them up. TENSION HIGH was a really really fun one. I wanted it to be rhythmic and bass heavy, which is why it starts with the bass. It starts simple instrumentally and it builds up over time and it’s really cool. 

The photoshoot was really fun. I did the photoshoot with my manager Patricio Luna who’s also an amazing photographer. He does concert photography and he’s incredible. We kind of put a projector saying “tension high” everywhere and he added some eyes that were really sexy and cool. The vibe was like all red and it was really really cool. I also had a couple more friends there during the photoshoot who were in charge of lighting and audio. So they would basically play any song that they felt would inspire me to be sexy for the shoot which was so funny. And they pointed at me with red lights the whole time which were quite intense, I’m not going to lie, but it was fun. 

Releasing the song has been really really fun. I love it. I think it’s a very summer vibe song and I really hope you love it too. I hope you love it as much as I do. And if you’re going through the same thing as I did at the time I hope you connect with the song and it’s a release and you know you’re not alone and it’s a human experience. And yeah I hope you just dance to it, vibe to it, let you use the song to help you get through it. You know what I mean. I hope you love the song as much as I do.


I want to thank Alexa for taking the time to share this story with us. 

Be sure to follow Alexa on Instagram, and Spotify. And, be sure to listen to "TENSION HIGH" wherever you usually find your music.

Thanks again Alexa!

Monday, September 9, 2024

How Heart Failure Impacted My Music - by Priscilla Ariana

I began feeling sick a month after having COVID. I remember being so tired. I did not leave my bed thinking that healing works best when we sleep but grew frustrated as the days went on since I was only growing sicker. My temperature was rising every day up until 105 and wouldn’t go down. I had a sore throat which led us to thinking it was strep but the test came negative, then ran more tests yet they all came out negative. My parents were changing my sheets that I would sweat through so then they started bringing towels and changing them underneath me. I went to the doctor who told me how my potassium level was low and that the reason my temperature wasn’t going down was because I wasn’t allowing my body to fight by taking the Tylenol. Considering this, the doctor insisted that I stop taking Tylenol and instead  allow my body to fight the virus. So, that is what I did.  

The next night after this instruction I remember watching Soul in my mothers bedroom except when the movie had finished I recall asking my mom “what just happened? I was watching the movie but don’t remember anything.” It turns out I wasn't present for the movie at all. My mom was spooked and called my aunt who was a past nurse and she asked how my breathing was. My mom then had me blow into this breathing instrument my eldest brother used in the past and I could barely lift the ball within it. My aunt said “Lisa, bring Priscilla to the ER right now.” Back to the ER my parents and I went although they could only go so far since COVID restrictions were in order.  

I remember laying down in the ER looking up to the ceiling overhearing the doctor say “your heart is at 30%, you have a very low blood pressure, and pneumonia.” I found out later from my mom how the doctors told her, “we will do the best we can.'' which led her to get to the car and start bawling her eyes out while holding my fathers hand. After hearing the news from the doctor I remember drowning out all of the noise in the room. I paused, closed my eyes and had a moment in prayer.  When I began praying  I immediately felt bad because I have not been praying as consistently as usual. 

The thought that followed was that God knew my heart and intention and knew that I was sorry. While in prayer I thought to myself how thankful I was for all that I have lived through unknowing of what the next 10 minutes would consist of. It was a signifying moment where I disattached and surrendered. Before this moment my greatest fear was death. 

After some time spent in the ICU I was finally able to go home. Although, this time I wasn’t the same Priscilla, at all. My dad wheeled me out and then I stood up, walked and remembered feeling the cold air that I was dreaming of while looking out of the hospital room window. Stepping on the curb to the car I remember almost falling, losing my balance, even talking I would have to take pauses. I was very fragile. After arriving home I walked super slowly up the stairs to my bedroom with my dad behind making sure I didn’t fall down.

Immediately my mindset was more alert than ever. Even in the ICU I was still attending Zoom classes. This was such a blessing especially since most of my classes were Songwriting during my senior year so while going through all of this I was transferring all of my emotion into song. 


I want to thank Priscilla for taking the time to share this story with us. 

Be sure to follow Priscilla on Instagram, and Spotify. And, be sure to listen to "Cherry Blossoms" wherever you usually find your music.

Thanks again Priscilla!

Friday, September 6, 2024

New Music From Kilough, Jessica Woodlee, Riley Wells, Alexis Bleu, SARIKA, Julia Adrian, Andie Mechanic, Anna May, Gracie Modean, Aysha Luzia, and JØRDYN

I Know You're Listening" - by Kilough

Release Date: August 2, 2024

What You Should Know: Another fantastic song from this artist.

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify

Previous Noteworthy Releases: "States Between"

Previously on Section 36: "Kilough Visits Section 36 Music!"



"Jess" - by Jessica Woodlee

Release Date - August 16, 2024

What You Should Know: "This album has been years in the making and I’m so glad that it’s finally yours."

Find It: Everywhere, like  Apple or Spotify

Previous Noteworthy Releases: "Rainy Day", "Dude", "Whiskey", "By Now", "Dairy Aisle"

Her Spotify Playlist Inclusions: "What 2024 Sounds Like From Section 36", "What 2023 Sounds Like From Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "Jessica Woodlee Visits Section 36 Music!"



"heaven is a kiss" - by Riley Wells

Release Date - August 9, 2024

What You Should Know: Another wonderful addition to her must-listen music catalog

Find It: Everywhere, like  Apple or Spotify

Previous Noteworthy Releases: "Lilith", "I Am"

Her Spotify Playlist Inclusions: "What 2024 Sounds Like From Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "Riley Wells Visits Section 36 Music!"


"Self Sabatoge" - by Alexis Bleu

Release Date - Aug 16, 2024

What You Should Know: "Self Sabotage is a new sound for me, and I love it! I hope you guys love it too"

Find It: Everywhere, like  Apple or Spotify

Her Spotify Playlist Inclusions: "What 2024 Sounds Like From Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "Alexis Bleu Visits Section 36 Music!"


"From Inside the House" - by SARIKA

Release Date: August 16, 2024

What You Should Know: "this song is a diss track about the person who bullied you in high school meanwhile their instagram bio is “always be kind❣️”… the most selfish person you’ve ever met who’s always saying they need to start putting themselves first... a performative hypocrite who is constantly preaching and rarely self reflecting. someone’s gotta tell them they’re the villain bc you know their therapist isn’t going to!!"

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify

Previously on Section 36: "SARIKA Visits Section 36 Music!"


"Potential" - by Julia Adrian

Release Date: August 30, 2024

What You Should Know: "it’s potentially my favorite song I’ve created so far and I am very excited for you to hear it"

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify

Previously on Section 36: "Julia Adrian Visits Section 36 Music!"


"Boys" - by Andie Mechanic

Release Date: August 30, 2024

What You Should Know: "I’ve been avoiding men like the plagues of Egypt since I was probably 13 years old. The lengths I went to to not have to touch one genuinely astounds me to this day.

As the story goes, in 2022 I got ma-ha-ssively drunk and stoned with my brothers before going to Fenway Park for a baseball game. We were walking through the stadium when I randomly started freaking the literal fuck out, so I ran to the bathroom to hide. Then I pulled up my phone and just started typing.

That’s when I realized what I had been doing my entire life."

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify

Previously on Section 36: "Andie Mechanic Visits Section 36 Music!"


"The Show" - by Anna May

Release Date: August 26, 2024

What You Should Know: "I am performing September 7 in Brookline at Village Social Cocktail Club"

Find It: Everywhere, like Bandcamp


"Roof" - by Gracie Modean

Release Date: September 6, 2024

What You Should Know: "This first single from Gracie is definitely one you won't want to miss!"

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify

Previously on Section 36: "Gracie Modean Visits Section 36 Music!"


"Cocaine Kiss" - by Aysha Luzia

Release Date: September 6, 2024

What You Should Know: "Ahhhhhh I’m so excited to FINALLY announce my debut single Cocaine Kiss out September 6th!!!!
So much blood, sweat, and tears in the project!"

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify


"Wake Up (not quite a woman)" - by JØRDYN

Release Date: September 6, 2024

What You Should Know: "Another amazing song from this artist"

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify

Previously on Section 36: "JØRDYN Visits Section 36 Music!"