
I've heard from people that one of their favorite things about reading the artist interviews here on Section 36 is then going to listen to their music. That's so amazing to hear. So, to help with that, I figured I should create some Spotify playlists featuring Section 36 interviewees. That way, if you like and listen to them, all the amazing music would be right at your fingertips. Go check them out!

Women Going Places, From Section 36
- Just as the name implies. This list has one song from each of the talented women who have visited with us in Section 36. Whether it's their latest single, or something we discussed in the interview, they're all songs you'll want to hear. When you've listened, you'll agree that these talented women are definitely going places!

What 2020 Sounds Like, from Section 36
- This list contains all the music released by interviewees during 2020. Whether it was released before or after their actual visit, it will give you the freshest look at these amazing women.

Women From Berklee, and Section 36
- With its proximity to Fenway, Berklee College of Music holds a special place within the Section 36 suite. So, it made sense to specifically celebrate the women who attended that prestigious school. I hope you'll agree!

It's Christmas in Section 36 - As you may guess, this playlist contains Christmas songs released by the amazing women who have visited Section 36!

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