Monday, October 21, 2024

Olivia C. Dacal Visits Section 36 Music!

Section 36 Music has another visitor!
 Olivia C. Dacal is a fantastic artist, whose upcoming album is one you won't want to miss. Be sure to put it on your radar. I was so excited Olivia wanted to visit with us to discuss the album, her musical goals, and more!

So, let's see what happens when Olivia C. Dacal visits Section 36 Music!

I am incredibly excited about your upcoming album. What can you tell me about it?

People listen to music to feel things, and this album will make you feel things I promise. It’s filled with passion, love, anger, frustration, happiness, heartbreak and healing.. 

These songs are so real and so honest to who I am, what I’ve experienced and what I believe. I know lots of people will have experienced the same things that I talk about in this album and connect with it on a personal level as well as just enjoy the music and feel good.

Do you have a favorite song from the album?

It’s so hard, they are honestly all really good. But if I had to pick one it would definitely be “higher”, at this point in time I haven’t even finished it yet but I can already tell it’s going to be the best. All the songs are fuelled with my raw emotions but this one… it makes my heart break and makes me angry and it’s just a very very passionate, driven, powerful song. 

You were able to be part of the cast of “In The Heights” performing at the Sydney Opera House. What was that experience like?

Oh my goodness. I can’t even begin there’s so much. By the end of the show I was so happy to be havw experienced it that I walked across the harbour bridge barefoot at 1am because I was just feeling so much gratitude and love, I wanted to soak it in you know.. it was a YOLO moment. 

The people I met really inspired me. There isn’t much of a Latin community in Australia so it was so beautiful and amazing to be in a room filled with people exactly like me in that way. 

I will remember it forever.

Who or what would you consider your biggest musical influences?

Hmm… I think most of music that influences mine come from the music my parents played in the car when I was a kid. It was lots of 80-90s RnB, Rap, Country and jazz. 

My biggest musical inspirations now though have to be RAYE, Lana Del Rey, Amy Winehouse and SZA. They are all Amazing writers and Artists. 

What is the biggest challenge you face when it comes to your music?

Honestly it’s just believing in myself. I often find that when I’m going through ‘Artist block’ it’s because I’ve been saying a lot of negative things to myself. I really thrive when I’m treating myself well! It’s amazing what you can do when you just believe and think you can do it haha. Cliche I know. But it’s true I promise. 

What are your immediate music goals?

Not going to lie. I want this album to be big, because it deserves to be big. It’s honestly really beautiful haha. Not only is it passionate and it’s true to who I am but it’s also just musically good haha. To make this album I had to revisit some things from my past and work through them so my music would be true and honest, some of the songs are very raw emotionally. I put a lot of love, time and hard work into this album for people to connect with and enjoy!


I'm sure this album will be huge!

As always, I want to thank Olivia for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to accompany the interview.

I'm sure you’ll all want to follow her and see what she has going on. I would follow her on Instagram, and Spotify  to make sure you don't miss a thing. 

Thanks again Olivia, and good luck reaching your goals!

Friday, October 18, 2024

New Music: Stephània, Maggie Reitan, Emylee Herring, Michelle Rose, Kiara Kyler, Grenon, and Maeve Zamuner


"To Be Loved" - by Stephània

Release Date: October 18, 2024

What You Should Know: After three years, 
Stephània is back with another fantastic addition to her musical catalog.

Find It: Everywhere, like  Apple or Spotify

Her Spotify Playlist Inclusions: "What 2024 Sounds Like From Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "Stephània Visits Section 36 Music!"


"Unanswered" - by Maggie Reitan 

What You Should Know: This is a fun one!

Find It: Everywhere, like  Apple or Spotify


"Pretend You Died" - by Emylee Herring

Release Date - October 17, 2024

What You Should Know: "I was able to take my pain, and turn it into a song"

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify


"Mirage" - by Michelle Rose

Release Date: October 11, 2024

What You Should Know: "This song is pretty spooky, so it’s perfect for Halloween. I recorded this song when I was 18 (almost 8 years ago, so my voice has changed a lot since then) and I’m so happy to have finally released it after only releasing the music video in 2018. "

Find It: Everywhere, like  Apple or Spotify

Her Spotify Playlist Inclusions: "What 2024 Sounds Like From Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "Michelle Rose Visits Section 36 Music!"


"everything i've ever wanted" - by Kiara Skyler

Release Date: October 18, 2024

What You Should Know: "I like to describe "Everything I've Ever Wanted" as growing out of adolescence and entering adulthood for the first time. I wrote it as my final assignment for a songwriting class last semester, the prompt being to write a list song. I often think of all the possible paths I could take in my life and where I would be if I weren't pursuing my dream. This song lists out all these possibilities and is a reflection of that overly analytical part of myself.

Find It: Spotify or Apple


"toxic relationship" - by Grenon

Release Date: October 18, 2024

What You Should Know: "Growing up as an awkward kid, it was the songs that were the most brutally honest that made little Kacie feel the most seen. In an age where we’re constantly being told we’re not good, funny, pretty, cool enough, it’s so easy to compare our messy human lives to each others highlight reels online. It’s just as easy to put ourselves down. I haven’t released music in over a year because it scared  me. It still does. That said, toxic relationship is yours"

Find It: Everywhere, like  Apple or Spotify

Her Spotify Playlist Inclusions: "What 2024 Sounds Like From Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "Kacie Grenon Visits Section 36 Music!"


"Snow in July" - by Maeve Zamuner

Release Date: October 18, 2024

What You Should Know: " i love this song with all my heart and i’m so happy that you all can listen to it now. this song is about a lot of things but at its core it’s a song about growing up and navigating that - so get in that nostalgia mindset and celebrate this song however u feel best fits you (get a tattoo, scream the lyrics, send me baked goods)."

Find It: Everywhere, like  Apple or Spotify

Friday, October 11, 2024

New Music From Lucia Dostal, Mori, Girl Annual, Tiril Jackson, and Alaina Margaret Droog!


"Wild Child" - by Lucia Dostal

Release Date: October 4, 2024

What You Should Know: "
The inspiration for this whole project began during a backpacking trip in The White Mountains of New Hampshire, where I wrote Wild Child. Spending that trip outdoors made me realize how disconnected much of our society is from the natural world. This EP features my awesome friend & co-writer @jacob_redmusic on Little Island: Our song about our own Prince Edward Island."

Find It: Everywhere, like  Apple or Spotify

Other Noteworty Releases: Lucia Dostal

Her Spotify Playlist Inclusions: "What 2024 Sounds Like From Section 36", "What 2023 Sounds Like From Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "Lucia Dostal Visits Section 36 Music!"


"the hill i die on" - by Mori 

What You Should Know: "i have a few gifts for you and here is the first of them. i wrote hill back in december at 4 o’clock in the morning. i was bothered and restless, so i sat down to write what i thought would be yet another song about the same person i’ve been writing about for the last three years. instead, the first words out of my mouth were finally what i’d needed to say and never wanted to.

i wrote the first verse and chorus, recorded a voice note to listen to while i thought of more ideas in the shower, walked into the bathroom of my lonely little apartment and cried and cried and cried. my first attempt at loosening my grip on a person i held so dearly before. and here it is."

Find It: Everywhere, like  Apple or Spotify

Playlist Inclusions: "What 2024 Sounds Like From Section 36", "What 2023 Sounds Like From Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "Mori Visits Section 36 Music!"


"Ember" - by Girl Annual

Release Date - September 27, 2024

What You Should Know: "it’s called «ember» and it’s about rationalizing feelings, calculating your way in and out of love. it‘s also about being unintentionally mean, and then being intentionally mean. and it was inspired by diane from bojack."

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify


"Who Are You" - by Tiril Jackson 

Release Date: September 26, 2024

What You Should Know: "I want those who connect with my EP to feel okay being vulnerable and honest. I want to create a space where people can feel safe to embrace their whole selves, including their inner demons, and remind them that change is only natural and part of the journey :)"

Find It: Spotify or Apple


"Rabbit Hole" - by Alaina Margaret Droog

Release Date: October 11, 2024

What You Should Know: "The lyrics of “Rabbit Hole” explore the universal experience of using the Internet to cope with heartbreak, eagerly seeking a glimpse of closure, and coming to terms with no longer being a part of someone’s life. Alaina Margaret describes the song as “edgy with a mountainous wanderlust vibe---only this kind of wanderlust travels through the depths of your heart, and of course, down a rabbit hole.”

Find It: Spotify or Apple