Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Nicky Doma Visits Section 36 Music!

Section 36 
Music has another visitor!
 Nicky Doma is an incredible singer with an upcoming EP, "Piece of Me", you won't want to miss.
 I was thrilled that she was willing to visit with us and discuss her music, future goals, and more. I’m sure you’ll enjoy everything she has to say.

So, let's see what happens when Nicky Doma visits Section 36 Music!

I’m incredibly excited about your upcoming EP, “Piece of Me”. What can you tell me about it?

Thank you so much for your support! I am very excited for the world to finally hear this EP, out December 28th! “Piece of Me” is a 5 song EP, meant to be representative of my growth as an artist, and me finding my sound after my time at Berklee. All of the songs are written in various styles and genres, ranging from Rock, to Pop, to RnB. The EP contains my most vulnerable lyrics and grooviest arrangements up to date, telling stories from my life experience. I hope to touch some hearts, make people feel seen, and simply spread some cheer in times where life can be really tough.

What was your favorite part of the recording process?

My favorite part of the recording process is getting the opportunity to see my visions and projects come to life, by working with people that I love! All of the instrumentalists on these songs are dear friends, and are some of the most talented people I’ve ever met. They have inspired me so much over the years, and it means the world to me that we get to create music together! Huge shout out to my producer Justice Balabuszko, this entire EP wouldn’t be possible without him!

You’re currently studying at Berklee College of Music. What is the biggest thing you see Berklee doing for your career?

Berklee introduced me to a world of music that I never thought possible. The amount of talent amongst the students and faculty is incredibly inspiring and encouraging. Berklee gave me the tools and knowledge to write songs on my own, improve my singing, taught me about reins of the business. Through my Berklee experience, I now have faith in succeeding as an independent artist, an educator, and a business woman in my future. 

Who or what would you consider your biggest musical influences?

I like to take inspiration from everyone and all the amazing musicians around me. They have definitely influenced me more than anything over the past few years. However, there are so many respectable musicians in the industry that have influenced me over the years. As a child, I was obsessed with ABBA, Adele, Britney Spears, Bruno Mars, and other powerful pop influences at the time, which has definitely translated into my music style. When coming to Berklee, I was exposed to a grand range of Rock music for the first time, and that has definitely become a great part of my music style as well. 

What would you say is your biggest challenge with your music career?

My biggest challenge is just not letting my anxieties get the best of me, and to just have faith in myself, and believe that I am meant to be an artist. Making music is a lot of work and a very vulnerable experience, but of course it is incredibly rewarding in the end. If you ever feel like giving up, just remind yourself that you are doing this for you, and because you love music!:)

What are your immediate music goals?

My music goals are overall just to spread love and joy to others through my music. Whether that be writing songs for others, releasing my own music, performing, teaching, etc. That will always be the most important thing above all. I would love to establish myself as an independent, successful artist in the future and reach as many people as I can within my lifetime. 


Those are incredible goals!  

As always, I want to thank Nicky for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to accompany the interview.

I'm sure you’ll all want to follow her and see what she has going on. I would follow her on Instagram, and Spotify to make sure you don't miss a thing. 

Thanks again Nicky, and good luck reaching your goals!

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