Thursday, December 7, 2023

Joey Madison Visits Section 36 Music!

Section 36 
Music has another visitor! 
Joey Madison is such a wonderful singer, with a recent single, "More Than Friends", you need to add to all of your playlists. I was so excited that she was willing to visit with us and discuss her music, future goals, and more. I’m sure you’ll enjoy everything she has to say.

So, let's see what happens when Joey Madison visits Section 36 Music!

I really enjoyed your latest single, “More Than Friends”. What can you tell me about it?

“More Than Friends” is about this lovely boy that I met here while in Boston. The song essentially talks about wanting to be “more than friends” with him in a city that I kind of hated because of how cold it would get during winter. What’s great about this song now is that we are happily together and I now love Boston. More Than Friends is a super relatable song in the sense of having a crush on someone and that was what I really wanted to convey. 

You frequently perform live shows. What do you enjoy most about being on stage?

There are really 2 things I enjoy most about being on stage. One is that I love getting to see the faces people make when they can relate and or feel what my songs are trying to convey. The second is getting to interact with my band. They are some of my closest friends and the songs we write are filled with so much love that when we get to perform we all just have ecstatic looks on our faces. 

You’re currently attending Berklee College of Music. What is the biggest thing you see Berklee doing for your career?

I think Berklee has been really helpful with learning how to write songs. I used to not write at all and when I got here, Berklee really opened that door for me to start learning how to convey what I wanted to say with a small amount of words or a lot. Sometimes the process of writing a song is a little hard and scary and with the tools Berklee provided it has made it super easy and really fun to get to do. 

Who or what would you consider your biggest musical influences?

I listen to a lot of Samm Henshaw as well as Lawrence, Couch and Sammy Rae when it comes to musical influences. I also have some influences that are more for my brass section when it comes to writing and those are groups like Tower of Power, Earth Wind and Fire and The Main Squeeze. 

What would you say is your biggest challenge with your music career?

I think my biggest challenge right now is marketing my music correctly. To get your foot in the door you really have to rely on social media and market to the right people and sometimes that is hard to do. I have had to learn and adapt in a world where the digital age is really pushing the music industry.

What are your immediate music goals?

My goal right now is to finish recording my 6 song EP with my band and have it released next year! We have recorded 4 songs so far and only have 2 more left so I think we are on the right track to getting this done. 


I'm excited about that upcoming EP!  

As always, I want to thank Joey for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to accompany the interview.

I'm sure you’ll all want to follow her and see what she has going of. I would follow her on Instagram, and Spotify as well as bookmark her website to make sure you don't miss a thing. 

Thanks again Joey, and good luck reaching your goals!

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