Monday, June 5, 2023

Reese Nobile Visits Section 36 Music!

Section 36 
Music has another visitor! 
Reese Nobile is a fantastic singer whose debut single, "Ready To Run", definitely points to big things ahead. I was thrilled that she was willing to visit with us and discuss her music, future goals, and more. I’m sure you’ll enjoy everything she has to say.

So, let's see what happens when Reese Nobile visits Section 36 Music!

I absolutely loved your debut single, “Ready To Run”. What can you tell me about it?

First of all, thank you so much! I’m so glad to hear you enjoyed it! I have always wanted to make music but the timing never felt right and I was really adamant on feeling really good about what I was creating. I wrote Ready To Run soon after moving to Boston and I got really lucky to have met the most incredible people who helped me bring it to life. We had so much fun doing it!!! The best way to describe what the song means to me is feeling disposable in a relationship that I thought was indestructible. 

When you have the opportunity, what do you enjoy most about performing in front of a live audience?

The best part of music in general is having the opportunity to activate, aid, or enhance any emotion you feel. I’ve always thought that music is the most magical medicine to exist. The best part about performing live, outside of it being so much fun, is being able to connect with listeners. I’ve always wanted to be able to create that escape for somebody else! I love everything about playing live music, but my favorite part are the moments where I can see someone fully absorbed in the moment from the music I am playing. It is so special! 

You are currently attending Berklee College of Music. What’s the biggest thing Berklee has done for your career?

Everyone says that the best part of Berklee is the environment and the people that you meet. I couldn’t agree any more. I could have never imagined I would have a band, a manager, and people who believed in me enough to help bring my projects to life. All of the people I have met have taught me the most important things I have learned so far at Berklee about myself and the industry.

Who or what would you consider your biggest musical influences?

My biggest musical influences would definitely have to be Stevie Nicks, Bôa, and Lana Del Rey though I find inspiration from all different artists and genres of music.

What would you say is your biggest career challenge?

My biggest challenge is definitely myself. As they all say, you are your own worst enemy. Especially being surrounded by so many talented people at Berklee, it is so easy to question your talent, think you are not good enough, or wonder if you have anything to offer to the industry. What helps me through this is to remind myself of why I am pursuing music and how much I love what I am doing. I allow that to be the fuel to the fire! 

What are your immediate career goals?

My next single is in the production stages right now and my goal is to release it by the end of summer! I would also love to start playing live shows more often to expand out of the Berklee/Boston bubble as well as release my first EP which is in the works right now! 


A new single, and an EP? Doesn't get much better than that!

As always, I want to thank Reese for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to accompany the interview.

I'm sure you’ll all want to follow along with her to see what she's up to. I would definitely follow her on Instagram, and/or Spotify. You should also be sure to check out her website to see everything she has going on. In fact, go do it all right now! 

Thanks again Reese, and good luck reaching your goals!

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