Thursday, October 24, 2024

Sofia Devitt Visits Section 36 Music!

It's time for another visitor to S
ection 36 Music!
 Sofia Devitt is an incredible singer with a single, "Restless" on the way that you have to hear for yourself. I was so thrilled Sofia was willing to visit with us to discuss the single, her musical challenges, and more!

So, let's see what happens when Sofia Devitt visits Section 36 Music!

What can you tell me about your single, “Restless”?

I wrote “Restless” about two years ago now, and at the time I was having a hard time processing unresolved and bitter emotions in different aspects of my life. I kept feeling a nagging bad feeling in my gut and I kept trying to suppress it so I wrote this song to wrap my head around why I felt that way.

One of my favorite parts of writing songs is arranging it in the production process and I was really proud of how it came out! I’m heavily influenced by 70’s classic rock, so it was fun to combine that with my love of alternative and indie pop.

You’re a frequent live performer. What do you enjoy about performing in front of an audience?

I LOVE performing. Even though I’m always insanely nervous before every show, I try to channel the excitement and have fun onstage! As an audience member, I love when people just seem like they’re having the time of their of their life onstage, so I want to emulate that in my performances. I love feeding off the energy of a crowd and having a great time with my bandmates!

You are currently attending Berklee College of Music. What made Berklee the right choice for you?

When I visited Berklee I immediately noticed the collaborative atmosphere if its students and I wanted to be a part of it.

Who or what would you say are your biggest musical influences?

One of my biggest influences is Stevie Nicks. I grew up endlessly playing Fleetwood Mac records and I fell in love with her voice and storytelling from a young age.I think I’m heavily influenced by 70’s rock in general. (it’s one of my favorite genres!) But I also love to combine that with my love of some modern alternative rock artists. I’m a massive fan of Inhaler, their guitar arrangements and production is why they’re one of my favorite artists to listen to. 

I feel like my music is my stream of consciousness that comes out sounding like a combination of everything I’m listening to!

What is the biggest challenge you face when it comes to your music?

I am such a perfectionist which can be great, but I think sometimes it leads me to feel insecure about what I’m making in the creative process. I think something I’m constantly trying to work on is having more confidence in myself and freedom during the process to make a final product I’m happy with.

What are your immediate music goals?

I just formed a band out here in Boston to play my original music out here so I’m hoping to play a lot of shows this year with a lot of talented people. Boston artists and bands, if you’re looking for an opener, hit us up!


I certainly hope the band is a success!

As always, I want to thank Sofia for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to accompany the interview.

I'm sure you’ll all want to follow her and see what she has going on. I would follow her on Instagram, and Spotify as well as visit her website to make sure you don't miss a thing. 

Thanks again Sofia, and good luck reaching your goals!

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