Monday, October 28, 2024

Keiyana Marie Trinidad Visits Section 36 Music!

It's wonderful to be able to share that Section 36 Music had another visitor! It's been busy here at Section 36 Music, as we have another visitor! If you don't know Keiyana Marie Trinidad yet, you soon will. This incredible artist is fresh off the release of her debut album, "A Girls Dream", and you'll want to stream it as soon as you can. I
 was so excited Keiyana was willing to visit with us to discuss the album, her musical goals, and more!

So, let's see what happens when Keiyana Marie Trinidad visits Section 36 Music!

I absolutely loved your debut album, “A Girl’s Dream”. What can you tell me about it?

Thank you so much! It started in 2021 when I had to create originals for my debut performance for the Bridgewater Music Alley. At this time, I already had "Fly" written and "Good to Know" almost fully produced, but I needed a few more. I sat down with myself one day and wrote "Mom & Dad", "Places With You", "Bridges" and "Fast Asleep". I had the melodies made up in my head pretty quickly! I recorded them on voice memos, sent it to my guitarist, and then he worked his magic. 

I performed all of those songs live for a while so there were a few changes along the way! "Little 8 Year Old Me" and "Look At Me" came about a year or so later, once I started learning the guitar! "Little 8 Year Old Me" is cool because I played guitar myself the entire time on the track, it's pretty much a live performance! 

In 2022, I went to the studio to make the acoustic version of "Good to Know", and then after the release of my song "Bridges" in 2023, I made an acoustic version of it in early 2024. My guitarist suggested putting both acoustic versions onto the EP to make it a full album. It made perfect sense, since all the songs I had recorded for the EP are all acoustic anyway! The title "A Girl's Dream" is special because when I was 9 years old, I went to a studio to record cover songs, and that is exactly what I titled it in 2006, it was only right!

Is there a song on the album that especially resonates with you?

"Fast Asleep" is vocally, melodically and instrumentally my favorite song on the album, from the lyrics to the violin, I just love it. It feels timeless to me. Though my song "Look At Me" was written about my grandpa who passed away when I was 10 years old. It's a song that will forever hold a special place in my heart! They both resonate with me so much! I feel like these songs mean so much to me, and it has so much potential to mean something to my listeners.

Is there more studio work in your future?

Yes of course! I'm working hard to pay off my loans right now so that I can have more freedom in releasing music more often. I have plans to go back in early 2025! I'm hoping to release a couple of singles between March - July and then an EP in September!

Who or what would you consider your biggest musical influences?

My biggest musical influences growing up was always Miley Cyrus and Demi Lovato. Now as I'm getting older, I appreciate artists like Adele. I like the way she carries herself and keeps herself low key. I love her stage presence, and her performances are simple and authentic, which is exactly how I want to be as an artist and how I want to carry myself in the industry.

You had the opportunity to perform at the International Portuguese Music Awards. What was that experience like?

It was an incredible experience! I performed for 4,000 people! I couldn't believe it! It felt so surreal to sing on the PPAC stage. It's exactly what I've been wanting since I was little, so I was extremely honored and proud. I shared the stage with incredible musicians who are well known in the Portuguese music community! I even had to walk a red carpet...which was super weird and awkward for me, but it was so cool to get that experience! I always think about that night and the people I met, it's a night I'll never forget!

What are your immediate music goals?

My immediate music goals are to book shows with my band, and to finalize my next couple of singles for the studio in 2025!


Sounds like she has an exciting year planned!

As always, I want to thank Keiyana for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to accompany the interview.

I'm sure you’ll all want to follow her and see what she has going on. I would follow her on Instagram, and Spotify right away. I would also visit her website to make sure you don't miss a thing. 

Thanks again Keiyana, and good luck reaching your goals!

Friday, October 25, 2024

New Music From Julia Kate, Sofia Devitt, and Trinity Mei


"Beverly Hills" - by Julia Kate

Release Date: October 25, 2024

What You Should Know: "
It is about falling for a guy from a small town when I grew up in a big city. It questions the choices young people face when they fall in love, but distance and differences in upbringing can complicate a relationship. I feel I stepped out of my comfort zone while writing “Beverly Hills” because I have never written a song like this. I love this song so much because it's my first love song."

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify

Her Spotify Playlist Inclusions: "What 2024 Sounds Like From Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "Julia Kate Visits Section 36 Music!"


"Restless" - by Sofia Devitt

Release Date: October 25, 2024

What You Should Know: "I wrote “Restless” about two years ago now, and at the time I was having a hard time processing unresolved and bitter emotions in different aspects of my life. I kept feeling a nagging bad feeling in my gut and I kept trying to suppress it so I wrote this song to wrap my head around why I felt that way.

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify

Her Spotify Playlist Inclusions: "What 2024 Sounds Like From Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "Sofia Devitt Visits Section 36 Music!"


"Bed Bugs" - by Trinity Mei

Release Date - October 25, 2024

What You Should Know: "I don’t even know where to begin! Making this song has been such a journey & changed my life in some many ways! special thanks to @chloeborsody for turning my pain into something beautiful with the cover art, to @annieelisemusic for listening to my crying rants in between vocal sessions & to @joshbroughster for believing in this song and doing it such justice 💌"

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify

Her Spotify Playlist Inclusions: "What 2024 Sounds Like From Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "Trinity Mei Visits Section 36 Music!"

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Sofia Devitt Visits Section 36 Music!

It's time for another visitor to S
ection 36 Music!
 Sofia Devitt is an incredible singer with a single, "Restless" on the way that you have to hear for yourself. I was so thrilled Sofia was willing to visit with us to discuss the single, her musical challenges, and more!

So, let's see what happens when Sofia Devitt visits Section 36 Music!

What can you tell me about your single, “Restless”?

I wrote “Restless” about two years ago now, and at the time I was having a hard time processing unresolved and bitter emotions in different aspects of my life. I kept feeling a nagging bad feeling in my gut and I kept trying to suppress it so I wrote this song to wrap my head around why I felt that way.

One of my favorite parts of writing songs is arranging it in the production process and I was really proud of how it came out! I’m heavily influenced by 70’s classic rock, so it was fun to combine that with my love of alternative and indie pop.

You’re a frequent live performer. What do you enjoy about performing in front of an audience?

I LOVE performing. Even though I’m always insanely nervous before every show, I try to channel the excitement and have fun onstage! As an audience member, I love when people just seem like they’re having the time of their of their life onstage, so I want to emulate that in my performances. I love feeding off the energy of a crowd and having a great time with my bandmates!

You are currently attending Berklee College of Music. What made Berklee the right choice for you?

When I visited Berklee I immediately noticed the collaborative atmosphere if its students and I wanted to be a part of it.

Who or what would you say are your biggest musical influences?

One of my biggest influences is Stevie Nicks. I grew up endlessly playing Fleetwood Mac records and I fell in love with her voice and storytelling from a young age.I think I’m heavily influenced by 70’s rock in general. (it’s one of my favorite genres!) But I also love to combine that with my love of some modern alternative rock artists. I’m a massive fan of Inhaler, their guitar arrangements and production is why they’re one of my favorite artists to listen to. 

I feel like my music is my stream of consciousness that comes out sounding like a combination of everything I’m listening to!

What is the biggest challenge you face when it comes to your music?

I am such a perfectionist which can be great, but I think sometimes it leads me to feel insecure about what I’m making in the creative process. I think something I’m constantly trying to work on is having more confidence in myself and freedom during the process to make a final product I’m happy with.

What are your immediate music goals?

I just formed a band out here in Boston to play my original music out here so I’m hoping to play a lot of shows this year with a lot of talented people. Boston artists and bands, if you’re looking for an opener, hit us up!


I certainly hope the band is a success!

As always, I want to thank Sofia for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to accompany the interview.

I'm sure you’ll all want to follow her and see what she has going on. I would follow her on Instagram, and Spotify as well as visit her website to make sure you don't miss a thing. 

Thanks again Sofia, and good luck reaching your goals!

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Abby Volta Visits Section 36 Music!

It's been busy here at Section 36 Music, as we have another visitor! Abby Volta is a fantastic singer with an single, "RabbitCatcher", on the way that you won't want to miss.
 I was thrilled Abby wanted to visit with us to discuss the single, her musical goals, and more!

So, let's see what happens when Abby Volta visits Section 36 Music!

I am incredibly excited about your upcoming single, “Rabbit Catcher”. What can you tell me about it?

I’m also very excited for “Rabbit Catcher” to be out, the song is very meaningful to me! It’s based on a Sylvia Plath poem of the same name. Her poem talks about feeling confined in a toxic relationship. I read this poem at a similar time in my life and it really resonated with me and inspired me to write the song “Rabbit Catcher”. As I left that relationship I started playing shows with my band and performing the song live. It became a very empowering song to perform and singing it always makes me proud of what I’ve overcome. 

As someone who performs a lot, what do you enjoy most about singing on stage?

I love connecting with the audience and their energy. It’s a great feeling to see people enjoying songs that I wrote about personal things in my life. It makes me feel more connected to people, every performance creates a little community that is brought together by music. 

Who or what would you consider your biggest musical influences?

Overall my biggest musical influence is David Bowie. I’ve loved his music since I was young and I’ve always been inspired by his creativity, stage presence and authenticity. I try to incorporate his sense of storytelling into my music and performances. Another huge influence is St Vincent. She is another artist who creates experimental music that still communicates a human message. Each album she releases has a strong musical and aesthetic vision that I really admire and try to emulate. 

What is the biggest challenge you face when it comes to your music?

My biggest challenge is self doubt, there are so many incredible musicians in Boston and it’s easy to think your music isn't good enough! I’ve learned the best way to overcome this is to create community within the music scene and help promote other great local musicians. I try to turn my self doubt into admiration of the amazing musicians around me. 

What are your immediate music goals?

I want to continue recording and release an album in the not too distant future, as well as more singles. I also want to continue performing around Boston and the east coast, one of my goals is to plan a DIY tour this summer. And of course I want to keep writing and playing new songs with my wonderful band! 


I think we can all relate to those challenges. Excited for what she has on the way!

As always, I want to thank Abby for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to accompany the interview.

I'm sure you’ll all want to follow her and see what she has going on. I would follow her on Instagram, and Spotify right away. I would also visit her website to make sure you don't miss a thing. 

Thanks again Abby, and good luck reaching your goals!

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Julia Kate Visits Section 36 Music!

I'm excited to say that Section 36 Music has another visitor
 The incredible artist Julia Kate has a new single on the way that you'll want to stream as soon as you can. I was thrilled Julia was willing  to visit with us to discuss the single, her musical goals, and more!

So, let's see what happens when Julia Kate visits Section 36 Music!

I am incredibly excited about your upcoming single, “Beverly Hills”. What can you tell me about it?

Thank you! I wrote "Beverly Hills" last November. It is about falling for a guy from a small town when I grew up in a big city. It questions the choices young people face when they fall in love, but distance and differences in upbringing can complicate a relationship. I feel I stepped out of my comfort zone while writing “Beverly Hills” because I have never written a song like this. I love this song so much because it's my first love song.

What was your favorite part of the recording process?

I record my music with the incredible Nick Rosen. I have been working on every project with him since I was 16. He is an amazing producer and co-writer. He makes the studio so fun and comfortable and always supports my creativity. We recorded the vocals in Léo Costa’s house, who happens to be a Berklee grad. My favorite part was recording the vocals. It took hours, but we all just had a great time together. 

You currently attend Berklee College of Music. What made Berklee the right choice for you?

Berklee was the right choice for me because the school offers everything I need. I am a professional music major with tracks in songwriting and music business. I am also in ensembles and bands so I am still performing while learning more about the business side. I have met my best friends here, who I know will last a lifetime. My songwriting has improved so much in the past year at this school. I genuinely love it here.

What do you enjoy most about performing on stage?

Performing is my favorite part of being an artist. Growing up, I was in various theater productions, which helped my stage presence in many ways. I love interacting with an audience, talking to them about what my songs are about, and just having fun. 

What is the biggest challenge you face when it comes to your music?

I have had trouble with the social media aspect of it all and learning how to brand and promote myself. Social media has taken over the industry, and I was never really good at it, especially when I started releasing music at 16. I was a nervous junior in high school, afraid people were going to make fun of me for doing this and posting silly videos of me advertising myself. It's actually so important to do that as an artist because you want your audience to know who you are and who they are listening to. I am now taking my social media seriously, and I see a huge difference. 

What are your immediate music goals?

My immediate music goals are to keep gigging around LA, get my name out there more, and build a bigger audience. I recorded some songs over the summer that I plan to release in 2025. I am so proud of them, and I feel many people will relate to them and want to listen.


I'm sure her name will be everywhere soon!

As always, I want to thank Julia for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to accompany the interview.

I'm sure you’ll all want to follow her and see what she has going on. I would follow her on Instagram, and Spotify right away. I would also visit her website to make sure you don't miss a thing. 

Thanks again Julia, and good luck reaching your goals!