Monday, June 10, 2024

Bee Visits Section 36 Music!

Section 36 Music has another visitor! I'm sure you all know bee from her debut single "watch you go again". Now's your chance to learn a little bit more about the artist behind the magic as bee talks about the song, her influences, and more!

So, let's see what happens when bee visits Section 36 Music!

Your recent single, “watch you go again” is just fantastic. What can you tell me about it?

Thank you! watch you go again is my first single! I co-wrote this at Berklee early in the spring semester with my friend and producer, Luke Giles. We spent a lot of time finishing a demo throughout March, and then got into the studio in mid April to record the final version.

What was your biggest surprise about the recording process?

I've only ever recorded my songs in my bedroom in my childhood house, so the whole concept of finally getting access to studio time was super fun. I got to work with my very talented friend Kirsten Kirk as a studio engineer for a couple sessions. The most surprising part of the entire process was the fact that I got to sneak some secret vocals into the song from my friends!

You are currently studying at Berklee College of Music. What made Berklee the right choice for you?

I thought that I was going to be a softball player coming out of high school. After one year of playing softball, I knew I wanted to be at Berklee. I really love being here and meeting other artists and musicians. Also, I knew that above anything else, I wanted to improve as a musician in every way possible. 

Who or what would you consider your biggest musical influences?

Beabadoobee, Clairo, The 1975, Juliet Ivy, and The Japanese House are some of my biggest writing influences. This past year I've gotten so into indie pop, but I grew up on mostly alt rock like fall out boy, origami angel, and paramore.  

What would you say is your biggest challenge with your music career?

Right now my biggest challenge is making the absolute highest quality music that I can. I want to take a lot of care with my upcoming projects to make sure they're the best art I can create. 

What are your immediate music goals?

I would love to release more music! I'm working on new music currently, and I can't wait to start sharing these new songs, since they mean so much to me. My biggest goal for this year is to open for other musicians, and release new music that I'm proud of.


Those are great goals. I know I'm excited to hear that new music!  

As always, I want to thank bee for visiting with us, and for sending along the picture to accompany the interview.

I'm sure you’ll all want to follow her and see what she has going on. I would follow her on Instagram, and Spotify  to make sure you don't miss a thing. 

Thanks again bee, and good luck reaching your goals!

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