Friday, March 14, 2025

New Music From Swara Modi, Cece Benz, Asmi Aderay, SARIKA, Gracie Modean, and Olga Prepis

"is it over yet?" - by Swara Modi

Release Date: March 14, 2025

What You Should Know: "this song means so so much for me because it’s the first song I produced by myself along with the incredible help of @iam_lkfmusic in mixing and mastering. and a big thank you to @warman__music as well for helping me out with some awesome guitar riffs! this song is also a really personal song to me which was, at first, very difficult to share with others publicly but i’m so glad i decided to release it now because of the love and support I’ve received from it! thank you so much to everyone that has been there for me through everything. go stream! this song is now yours!"

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify

Her Spotify Playlist Inclusions: "It's 2025 in Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "Swara Modi Visits Section 36 Music!"


"Just Pretend" - by Cece Benz

Release Date: March 14, 2025

What You Should Know: "i’ve been waiting a long time to share this one - as you can see on the voice memo from the day that i wrote it. from sitting down on my dorm room bed and writing this song to sitting down in the studio with @collinpastore and @jakelfish, this song has been so fun to bring to life. i can’t thank the both of you enough for taking such great care of this one!! and thank you to @p_coch for putting on the final touches with the mastering.
as always, thank you to @viewsbyterry for working with me to see my visions through - this was a fun one!! i hope you enjoy this song as much as i enjoyed creating it"

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify

Her Spotify Playlist Inclusions: "It's 2025 in Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "Cece Benz Visits Section 36 Music!"


"My Version of You" - by Asmi Aderay

Release Date: March 14, 2025

What You Should Know: "LISTEN TO THE LYRICS - This is a sign that he’s not real and you’re wasting your youth on someone who doesn’t exist."

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify

Her Spotify Playlist Inclusions: "It's 2025 in Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "Asmi Aderay Visits Section 36 Music!"


"Paper Mind" - by SARIKA

Release Date: March 14, 2025

What You Should Know: You know you enjoy the rest of her music. You'll love this song too!

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify

Her Spotify Playlist Inclusions: "It's 2025 in Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "SARIKA Visits Section 36 Music!"


"Who's Crying Now?" - by Gracie Modean

Release Date: March 7, 2025

What You Should Know: You won't want to miss this one!

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify

Her Spotify Playlist Inclusions: "It's 2025 in Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "Gracie Modean Visits Section 36 Music!"


"Sober" - by Olga Prepis

Release Date: March 14, 2025

What You Should Know: Continuing the string of amazing releases from this talented artist.

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Angelica Whitney Visits Section 36 Music!

Angelica Whitney is an incredibly
 talented photographer who specializes in concert and musician photography. Her talents definitely cover all areas, though. I'm thrilled she was willing to visit with us so we could all learn a little bit about her. I'm sure you'll love to hear what she has to say.

So, let’s see what happens when Angelica Whiney visits Section 36 Music!

When did you realize that photography was something that you loved?

I began doing photography in eighth grade, and it honestly happened pretty randomly. I was the Business Lead of a local robotics team, and when I found out that some robotics competitions allowed each team to have a designated photographer to take photos of their team’s robots during each match, I was fascinated. In high school, I did some basic photo and video editing during classes. I also had experiences with photographers and videographers, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic since I was heavily involved in making and donating PPE to frontline workers, and some grants that I won to support that effort required me to have professional photos or videos taken. While in college, I rediscovered my passion for photography by editing old concert photos from when I had been close to the artist. I started an independent study with the University of Connecticut Department of Animal Science, which led to me upgrading my camera equipment and researching more about photography and editing. With this new camera, I began reaching out to find ways to get into concert photography, and am enjoying it a lot so far!

How did that lead to specializing in musician photography?

I’ve loved music for as long as I can remember. As a fan, I’ve attended many concerts and always enjoyed chatting with photographers before the artists came onto stage. I also have loved connecting with other fans, such as through a pop culture business I run, and wanted to find ways to support fans, artists, and the music community as a whole. Musician photography was a perfect way for me to combine my skills and passions!

How would you describe your photography style?

I’m still developing my photography style, but overall, I would describe it as dynamic, energetic, and engaging. I focus on editing every photo differently, with some featuring bold colors and others involving motion. I find that I love capturing the pure energy of the fans and artists, and try to showcase that through my photography. I like to find ways to make my work captivating, with varying perspectives and even photos focusing on small details, such as the phones of fans videoing an artist.

What has been your favorite photography experience thus far?

I’ve had so many amazing photography experiences so far, and feel really lucky to have these opportunities! Overall, my favorite experience was getting the chance to photograph Nessa Barrett in Boston, Massachusetts. Since I live in New Hampshire and go to college in Connecticut, I don’t always make it out to shows in Boston, but the fans’ energy is always spectacular there. I loved getting to meet photographers who I may have only seen on Instagram before. Additionally, I loved getting to experiment more with my photos while moving around the venue a lot. I’m looking forward to even more experiences in the future!

What would you say are your biggest photography career challenges?

My biggest photography career challenge is probably time management. Since I’m in a lot of other activities and classes, I don’t have as much time as I would like to be able to continue developing my photography skills. Traveling out to shows is especially difficult during the week due to classes right now. I’m still working on carving out time for my photography though, and finding more ways to keep pursuing it!

Do you have any specific photography career goals?

I’m still figuring out my photography career goals, but overall, I want to continue growing as a concert and music photographer however I can. I’m currently a junior at UConn studying Animal Science on a Pre-Vet track, so I’m planning to attend veterinary school soon and become a veterinarian. This means that I won’t have as much time for my photography career, but I plan to continue it on the side. Mental health is a major concern in the veterinary field, and I’ve found that having the creative outlet of concert photography allows me to continue pursuing my passions outside of animal science. I have some specific goals (like photographing a festival or some of my favorite artists), but I’m just really excited to see where I end up!


I definitely hope she gets to photograph those artists!

As always, I want to give huge thanks to Angelica for doing this interview, and for sending along so many great pictures to be used. 

Assuming you'd like to learn even more about Angelica, I would definitely suggest checking out her website, and following her on her socials: Instagram, TikTok, and LinkedIn

And, if you ever see her at a show, don’t forget to tell her you saw her on Section 36 Music!

Thanks again Angelica!

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Ava Rush Visits Section 36 Music!

Section 36 Music has another visitor
Ava Rush is fresh off the release of her single, "You Don't Deserve My Love". If you haven't listened to it yet, you need to make to to do so now! I was so thrilled she wanted to visit with us to discuss the single, her musical goals, and more!

So, let's see what happens when Ava Rush visits Section 36 Music!

I am incredibly excited about your single, “You Don’t Deserve My Love”. What can you tell me about it?

Thank you! I wrote this song in the fall of last year. This was one of those songs I needed to write. When something ends unexpectedly we question why it happened, what we could have done differently, what we did wrong and the list goes on. Instead of realizing that we never deserved to be treated this way to begin with. This song is about accepting that even though you care so deeply for someone, they simply don’t deserve your love. It’s a hard realization to come to, but this song gave me some sort of peace and I hope it does for listeners too!

What was your favorite part of the recording process?

After I write a song, I usually wait a while before jumping into the recording process. But for this song I started recording it almost immediately after I wrote it. It was my first time working with my new producer, Matthew Castello. We started working on the song virtually since I am currently in Boston for school and he is in Long Island, where I am from. When I was home for winter break we finally met up and recorded vocals. It was such an effortless process and we worked really well together. My favorite part of the recording process was when me and Matt came up with background harmonies! The harmonies bring in new lyrical ideas and contrast the lead vocal beautifully.

You’re currently attending Berklee College of Music. What makes Berklee the right choice for you?

I didn’t grow up in a musical family or a musical town. Since I was little, I would write my songs and then shut the notebook. It is so nice to finally be surrounded by people who are all passionate about the same thing. I am constantly sharing my songs with others, collaborating with other talented artists, and learning from my peers and professors. Everyday I feel like I am learning something new and getting better at my craft. 

What do you enjoy most about performing in front of an audience?

Performing in front of an audience is a whole different experience then listening to a recording. I love being able to connect with my audience and see people singing my songs back at me. Live performances not only allow me to tell my story but also allows me to share my songs in a new way. This past year I have been playing shows with my band in Boston and it is such a thrilling experience hearing my songs be brought to life in a new form. 

What would you say is your biggest challenge with your music career?

My biggest challenge would be trying to do everything all on my own. As an independent artist, it is hard to manage the creative side, while also trying to work on marketing, social media presence, and booking live shows. While I love doing all these things, sometimes they take time away from my writing.

What are your immediate music goals?

I have so many goals regarding my music. As an artist, I am always trying to get better at my craft and push myself to new heights. This year my goal is to really find my sound as an artist and release a ton of new music. My first release of the year: “You Don’t Deserve My Love” captures who I am as an artist and where I see myself going. My biggest dream is that my songs will resonate with my listeners and help them feel like they are not alone in their situation. Within the past two years, I have been busy writing and recording and I’m so excited to finally share what I have been working on! So keep your eye out for more new songs on the way!


I will definitely keep my eyes and ears open for new releases!

As always, I want to thank Ava for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to accompany the interview.

I'm sure you’ll all want to follow her and see what she has going on. I would follow her on Instagram, and Spotify, as well as her website, to make sure you don't miss a thing. 

Thanks again Ava, and good luck reaching your goals!

Friday, March 7, 2025

New Music from Sophia Eliana

"Spaghetti Walls" - by Sophia Eliana

Release Date: March 7, 2025

What You Should Know: "The new coming-of-age anthem - written by Sophia Eliana and produced alongside Noah Dearborn and Jacob Williams at The Wonderhaus in Glendale, CA - is a candid, high-energy folk song about the chaos and charm of navigating your twenties."

Sophia described this song as "spunky and energetic", and after listening to it I couldn't think of a better description. There is a wonderful feeling you get when listening to all of her music that is absolutely present in this new offering. It may not be something you can put your finger on, but you can just tell that you've been having a good time, and feel better after having heard it. The lyrics and melody play off each other perfectly to create a sound that is all hers. If this is the first song of an album, I'll be anxiously waiting for each future addition. 

Find It: Everywhere, like Apple or Spotify

Monday, March 3, 2025

Chiara diGrazia Visits Section 36 Music!

Section 36 Music has another visitor
Chiara diGrazia is fresh off the release of her debut single, "miss the ocean", which is one you won't want to miss! I was so excited she wanted to visit with us to discuss the single, her musical goals, and more!

So, let's see what happens when Chiara diGrazia visits Section 36 Music!

I absolutely adored your debut single, “miss the ocean”. What can you tell me about it?

I wrote miss the ocean almost exactly a year ago, when I was experiencing my first east coast winter. I grew up in Northern California, where it rarely drops below 50 degrees so it was a definite adjustment. As I returned to school in January, I had my heart broken. The results were a few very cold months of loneliness, until my friend had a house show, and me and two friends bought cheap wine, rode the green line out, and had a night of light and love. I wanted the song I wrote about it to capture how I was feeling, but without it feeling hopeless, i.e. the bridge about loving my friends and lines about being tipsy on the green line and feeling the love. I brought it to my producer Wyatt Peers and he brought it to life, keeping the pop beat and synth that I wanted while keeping it folk-y(and very Bostonian in my opinion haha).

Did you have a favorite part of the recording process?

The studios at Berklee are crazy. I've recorded before, but this time I felt like a real pop star which was so cool. Plus, whenever I got a mix back and got to know that this song I wrote in my room on my guitar was materializing into a real thing; it's the most special feeling in the world.

You attend Berklee College of Music. What made Berklee the right choice for you?

I went to a private catholic all girls high school, and I was the only musician. I wanted the furthest thing from that, and that led me to Berklee. To be able to have friends who love what I love and to be able to study what I love in such an immersive way has made it a great fit.

Who or what would you say are your biggest musical influences?

The person who made me want to be a singer has always been Lana Del Rey. I think every word she speaks is like poetry. As I've gotten older, I would say my biggest songwriting influences are Joni Mitchell and Bob Dylan, but I love the idea of mixing folk songwriting and pop production in the recording process, which is when I turn to artists like Phoebe Bridgers and Gracie Abrams.

What is your biggest musical challenge?

Separating myself enough from an experience to be able to write about it. When I'm feeling something so deeply, I find everything I write about it comes out cheesy, like "I can't believe you did that to me, and I hate you forever". I'm trying to learn that sometimes I have to wait months before I have enough space from something and can write in an honest way.

What are your immediate music goals?

Keep releasing! This was my first single, and it's been surreal to have music out in the world and to know that instead of only my closest friends hearing my songs, hundreds of people have. I'm already starting on the next project, I have more I want to say.


Definitely excited to hear more of her music!

As always, I want to thank Chiara for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to accompany the interview.

I'm sure you’ll all want to follow her and see what she has going on. I would follow her on Instagram, and Spotify to make sure you don't miss a thing. 

Thanks again Chiara, and good luck reaching your goals!

Friday, February 28, 2025

New Music from Grace Lionato

"Get Out of It" - by Grace Lionato

Release Date: February 22, 2025

What You Should Know: "
It’s very near and dear to my heart, having written it about an emergency surgery I had back in October 2023. Haunted by the thoughts, I wrote this song to myself urging me to “get out of it”. Hope this song brings peace to you too"

Find It: Everywhere, like  Apple or Spotify

Her Spotify Playlist Inclusions: "It's 2025 in Section 36", "Women Going Places, from Section 36"

Previously on Section 36: "Grace Lionato Visits Section 36 Music!"

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Aniyé Music Visits Section 36 Music!

Section 36 Music has another visitor
Aniyé Music has a single, "If You Want Me", which you absolutely need to listen to! I was so excited she wanted to visit with us to discuss the single, her musical goals, and more!

So, let's see what happens when Aniyé Music visits Section 36 Music!

I love your single, “If You Want Me”. What can you tell me about it? 

Yes! I’m so happy you love it! “If You Want Me” is about recognizing self-worth and embracing the confidence we all deserve. Specifically, as women, we have to remember that we are the prize and shouldn’t settle for just anything.I strongly believe that actions speak louder than words—if you want me, you have to put in the effort to have me. And that goes beyond just dating. Whether as a friend, colleague, or collaborator, I expect the same level of effort and energy that I bring to the table.I know I’m a hardworking and driven person—I’ve worked for everything I have, with God’s favor and grace guiding me. All I ask is for that same energy in return from the people around me. 

What is your favorite part of the recording process? 

My favorite part of the recording process is adding background vocals. They’re so much fun to arrange, and they truly serve as the cherry on top, enhancing the emotion I’m trying to convey in the song. Background vocals add depth, texture, and feeling, making the music even more powerful and immersive. 

You currently attend Berklee College of Music. What made Berklee the right choice for you? 

I’m just a girl from Miami, Florida, with dreams and goals of becoming an R&B/Soul artist. I knew what it would take to reach those dreams—I needed the best vocal training, a strong understanding of the business, and an environment where I could surround myself with like-minded creatives who were either on my level or above it. I wanted to be inspired daily, and Berklee offered exactly that. But beyond all those reasons, Berklee truly chose me—it was the only school that offered me a full-ride scholarship. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here because, honestly, I wouldn’t have been able to afford it (lol). 

Who or what would you say are your biggest musical influences? 

My biggest musical influences are artists like Jill Scott, Anita Baker, Fantasia, and Lalah Hathaway just to name a few. 

What is your biggest musical challenge? 

Right now, my biggest musical challenge is translating the raw grit and emotion of my live performances into my recorded music. When people listen to my recordings, I want them to feel deeply connected—not just through the lyrics, but through the real, raw emotion of the song. Sometimes, it’s difficult for me to capture that same energy in a recording. There’s something about performing live—the authenticity, the unfiltered passion—that doesn’t always translate in the studio. Finding ways to bridge that gap is something I’m constantly working on. 

What are your immediate music goals? 

Some of my biggest musical goals for the near future are to release my second EP, go on tour as an opener for a major R&B artist, and continue growing both personally and artistically. Beyond just the music, I want to make sure I’m staying true to my values and not compromising on the things I stand for. As I navigate my journey, I want my growth to be authentic—both as an artist and as a person.


I really like those goals!

As always, I want to thank Aniyé for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to accompany the interview.

I'm sure you’ll all want to follow her and see what she has going on. I would follow her on Instagram, and Spotify as well as visit her website to make sure you don't miss a thing. 

Thanks again Aniyé, and good luck reaching your goals!