
Tuesday, August 11, 2020

“How To Fall In Love With The Concept Of Forgetting" by Moni Grace (Release date August 15, 2020)

“How To Fall In Love With The Concept Of Forgetting" is the latest EP from the fantastic singer Moni Grace!

And you definitely want to listen to it as soon as you can!


What can you expect from the EP? Well, I'd never be able to discuss it as well as Moni herself. So, here's how she described it.

"HOW TO FALL IN LOVE WITH THE CONCEPT OF FORGETTING Is a conceptual alternative pop record from Boston Based artist, Moni Grace. For Moni’s third studio project, she focuses her creative story telling abilities on concepts such as heartache, love, trauma and healing. How To Fall In Love with the Concept of Forgetting started as drafts of love letters or poems originally scripted in the notes section of Moni’s iPhone between February and June of 2020. With each innovative, structurally crafted line from each emotional piece pulling mainly from sentences from conversations, dreams, characters from movies, real life experiences to even tinder bios— Moni is able to prove that you can find healing through story telling in any environment, with any project, any mind-State or in any relationship. The artists’ goal in the songwriting process for this project, is the importance of using your voice, and its power. Also, not allowing yourself to be silenced by whatever trauma, abuse, situation or experience that tries to brand you to its’ toxicity or weight. 

How to Fall In Love with the Concept of Forgetting is the perfect collection of the liminal moments that we often forget about in our daily lives, but are encouraged to never physically forget about. This is because of the significance behind the memories in which they were created from. This idea is specifically present in the first track, “Five, Since”. 

The second track, “All Mine”, goes further into the concept of liminality, and the meaning those simplistic encounters may contain. The theme of relying on memories, including the dream of a person, rather than the actual person in the present tense to fill voids is explicitly prevalent as well. 

The idea of being rescued, or saved emotionally or physically from individualized trauma in relation to PTSD plays a major role in the thesis behind “Jack + Rose”, the last track on the EP. 

In conclusion, HOW TO FALL IN LOVE WITH THE CONCEPT OF FORGETTING is the perfect summer record for anyone who uses those concepts as methods for escapism or healing."


I couldn't agree more! Every song on the EP brings Moni's style to the forefront.

The music drags you in and allows the empowering lyrics to envelop you. While each song stands on its own, they play off each other to form a complete unit. It's something you'll want to hear over and over.


You'll be able to find “How To Fall In Love With The Concept Of Forgetting" just about everywhere you usually get your music like Spotify or Apple! So, there's no reason why you won't be able track it down…which I highly suggest you do. In fact, why not go presave it now?


Right. Now!




If you want to learn more about Moni, check out her Section 36 Music profile page. There you can find links to her full interview with Section 36 Music, her social media accounts, as well as more samples of her incredible singing.


You can also hop directly to her interview right here on Section 36 Music. That will give you an opportunity to learn more about this amazing singer.


Be sure to give “How To Fall In Love With The Concept Of Forgetting" a listen!

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