
Friday, August 14, 2020

“Be Ok" by Danielle Starz (Release date August 14, 2020)

“Be OK" is the latest single from the wonderful singer Danielle Starz!


And you definitely want to listen to it as soon as you can!

You probably remember Danielle from her interview with us, and her amazing previous single "Loved the Most". Since then, like me, you've been enjoying the frequent song videos she's been posting to her social media accounts. I had been eagerly awaiting the release of this single, and I wasn't disappointed! I'm sure you'll love it as much as I do.

You can find “Be OK" just about everywhere you usually get your music like Spotify or Apple! So, there's no reason why you won't be able track it down…which I highly suggest you do.


If you want to learn more about Danielle, check out her Section 36 Music profile page. There you can find links to her full interview with Section 36 Music, her social media accounts, as well as more samples of her incredible singing.

You can also hop directly to her recent interview right here on Section 36 Music. That will give you an opportunity to learn more about this amazing singer.

Be sure to give “Be OK" a listen!

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