
Monday, July 1, 2024

AnneMarie Shawi Visits Section 36 Music!

Section 36 
Music has another visitor!
 You all streamed AnneMarie Shawi's recent single "Cigarette" already, right? Now's your chance to learn a little bit more about this incredible artist as we talk about the song, her goals, and more!

So, let's see what happens when AnneMarie Shawi visits Section 36 Music!

I absolutely love your recent single, “Cigarette”. What can you tell me about it?

I wrote this song over a year ago, at a time where I was in the anger stage of my first heartbreak. I wrote it on the flight back to Boston from visiting my mom. On that trip I told her that my ex was a smoker, a secret I had been keeping from her while I was in the relationship because I knew she wouldn’t like it. Telling her that cut the ties mentally between me and him. I was feeling so much anger.I felt very vulnerable because even though I thought I was being the perfect girlfriend, he still broke up with me. There were times where I pitied him and knew it was his loss, and times where I just wanted to scream. This is reflected in the lyrics of Cigarette, especially in the Chorus: “When you realize I was the hope you had found and thrown away, you’ll be begging me to stay, but I’ll be long gone”. The heavy contrast to this and in the mentality in the song is in the bridge: “Go on and choke on your cigarette, come home again at 4am wondering why the time keeps flying by”. I feel like a lot of people can relate to the feeling of wanting to look down on someone and keeping your power, but sometimes it just feels so good to stoop to their level and tell them what you think. 

What was your favorite part of the recording process?

Seeing a song come together for the first time is a surreal experience. I loved hearing what additions the musicians on the song had and how they interpreted it. My producer, Noah Jezyk, was just as excited as I was about it and it was so great to know that he cared about it as well. I remember during one of the sessions, as soon as the take was done I started kicking my feet and giggling like a crazy person and I accidentally scared him!

You currently attend Berklee College of Music. What made Berklee the right choice for you?

I first attended Berklee as a 5-week summer program student when I was 17. That was absolutely the best summer of my life. I met so many amazing and talented people from everywhere in the world. It is so inspiring to be surrounded by a constantly evolving scene that is influenced by different backgrounds and cultures. It motivates me to really express myself and I don’t have to feel self conscious about any of the art I put out, because everyone else is too. The classes are amazing and teach me things I couldn’t have dreamed of. I fell in love with going to school for the first time and would actually get upset when classes were canceled! This hasn’t changed since then and I am so incredibly grateful to be able to go to Berklee!

Who or what would you consider your biggest musical influences?

Ever since I was 4 years old I have been a choir kid. I love the use of multiple harmonies and choirs on my songs. I love the drama that it brings. I am also part Egyptian, which I feel is reflected in my style of singing as well as in the Cello part in “Cigarette” and string parts in my other tunes. I love incorporating the culture into an otherwise western tune. 

What inspires me more than anything are the people I get to meet and the huge range of shows I get to see performed here at Berklee, as well as my friends who amaze me every day. 

What do you enjoy most about performing on stage in front of an audience?

I live for shocking an audience with the lyrics. It’s so fun to watch people’s faces when I sing a lyric I’m proud of, especially when they know who it’s about. I love to really put on a show and make sure everyone in the audience knows how I’m feeling!

What are your immediate music goals?
This was my debut single and now I just feel addicted to the feeling of releasing music! I am currently working on recording and mixing a couple other songs, which will see the light of day soon. I wish I could release new music every day!


Excited to hear that new music!

As always, I want to thank AnneMarie for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to accompany the interview.

I'm sure you’ll all want to follow her and see what she has going on. I would follow her on Instagram, and Spotify  to make sure you don't miss a thing. And, be sure to listen to "Cigarette" wherever you usually find your music.

Thanks again AnneMarie, and good luck reaching your goals!

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