
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Adia Clark Lay Talks About Her EP!

Fresh off the release of her latest single, "Water My Flowers", Adia Clark Lay is already ready to treat us with an EP! "On the Rocks" is streaming NOW! In order to add that event, Adia was nice enough to answer a few questions for us about the release.

Let's see what she had to say!

What can you tell me about the EP?
The EP is my first big step into the country world and I couldn’t be more excited! I’d admired the country genre from afar for a long time, and I felt it was my time to jump in head first. The EP is a collection of songs that I’ve written over the past year; from my first country song ever (Right About You) to one of my more recent country songs (On The Rocks). Each song has a very specific story and are very special to me. They are meant to help people going through tough times, whether that’s with their partner, family, friends, at school, work, etc.

Do you have a favorite lyric from the EP?
My favorite lyric section off of the EP has to be the chorus of On The Rocks. I wrote this song over spring break and I actually had to do quite a bit of research about the “adult beverages” included in the lyrics haha! But I love how the song came out and how many references I was able to fit in the lyrics!

Can you talk a little about the writing process of the EP?
The writing process was quite different for each song actually. Right About You is the first track on the EP, as well as the first country song I had ever written. It took me about 2 years to even start writing this song. It is about a boy I dated in high school for three years, and he told me not to write a song about him. But as you know, if you date a songwriter and make her mad… she will eventually write a song about you. Water My Flowers and Caught In Traffic were actually written as assignments for my Lyric Writing class at Berklee College of Music. My professor, Kat Reinhert, gives the best assignments; they always get my creative ideas running.

What was your favorite part of the recording process?
The recording process was such an amazing experience. Off The Row studio, located just outside of Nashville, TN, reached out to me on Instagram after seeing a few of my videos and invited me down to record my EP. I was so excited, as I had never been to Nashville before. I got to meet and play with Grammy Award winning session musicians. They were so kind and incredibly talented; they added so much color to my songs. I also got to play a few open mics while I was in Nashville. I actually got invited back to headline a show at The Commodore Grille next time I’m in town!


I could not be more excited for the release!

As always, I want to thank Adia for taking the time to share this with us. It's always nice to be able to learn a bit more about an upcoming release.

Be sure to listen and follow along with her to see what she's up to. I would definitely follow her on Instagram, and/or Spotify. In fact, go do both right now! 

Thanks again Adia Clark Lay!

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