
Monday, May 13, 2024

Olesya Visits Section 36 Music!

Section 36 
Music has another visitor!
 Olesya is an incredible singer whose single "you know the truth" is one you'll have on repeat for a long time.
 I was so excited that she was willing to visit with us and discuss her music, future goals, and more. I’m sure you’ll enjoy everything she has to say.

So, let's see what happens when Olesya visits Section 36 Music!

I really enjoy your latest single, “You Know The Truth”. What can you tell me about it? 

Thank you so much, I really appreciate it! I love “you know the truth” so much! I think that this is my best work right now, and this song is very special to me. I started writing this song back in December of last year, and it is fully about my personal experience. I really love writing songs, turning stories from my life into music and art! Also, it is such a perfect way to heal! 

“You know the truth” is about a person who lies all the time without any hesitation, but at the end of the day, I still know the truth, and it’s impossible and useless to make me believe in everything that person says. 

It’s very interesting how the melody and lyrics of this song were popping up in my head from almost nowhere. Here’s a little story about how I started creating this song. I was in the music tech class at Berklee when the idea of the main synth melody came to mind. It was so spontaneous, that was crazy. When I recorded and replayed it on the spot, I felt like this is how my new song should exactly sound! This idea just randomly came to my head in the middle of the class, and it turned out to be a very catchy lead melody. 

This song is so inspired by 80s, 90s, and 00s music. Especially by Michael Jackson and Madonna. The main synth melody that you can hear at the beginning of the song, as well as in the rest of it, is mostly inspired by Michael Jackson’s songs from the “Bad” album. 

An interesting fact about me is that I have a colour association with every song I create. I can’t explain how I get these ideas, but before or while creating a song, I already see what colour my new single cover art will be and what aesthetic my song will have in general. For me, all the single cover art that I do for my songs is very important. It’s not just pictures, that’s a whole visual. For instance, at the very first step of creating “you know the truth,” I already knew that it would be orange. I have no idea why, I just saw it like that. That’s how my 00s-inspired photoshoot for this song was born! 

The lyric video for the song is also outstanding. What was it like putting that together? 

Thank you a lot! Actually, this is my first lyric video that I have ever done, so it was very creative and interesting putting my song and video together! All of my previous singles that I put out had nothing but one picture in the video, which was the cover art of that single, so I thought that it would be more interesting to have something visual while listening to the song. 

You are currently attending Berklee College of Music. What made Berklee the right choice for you? 

Berklee was my dream school for a long time. Berklee is a magical, wonderful place filled with love and musical passion, where a lot of talented people connect with each other and create a lot of beautiful, amazing art together! I have an opportunity to practice and grow with amazing professors and students, and it helps me in my craft a lot. 

Who or what would you consider your biggest musical influences? 

Oh my god.. I don’t know where to start! I’m such a musical person! I listen to every musical genre in the world, love a lot of artists and bands! It’s very hard for me to choose, there are so many! 

The first person that caught my eye in my early childhood was Katy Perry. 

Later, I fell in love with Ariana Grande’s music and voice. 

They were the first artists who inspired me to be a singer/artist in the future! 

In 2018, one of the most successful biopics in history came out in movie theaters. It was a “Bohemian Rhapsody” movie about the rock band Queen. This movie changed everything for me and started a new chapter of my life. When I came back home from the movie, I tried writing my first original song after being inspired by Freddie Mercury doing it in the movie. After that day, I couldn’t stop writing my original songs. That’s where my songwriting journey started, I was just 14 years old back then. 

My other biggest inspiration is Michael Jackson and everything that relates to him. A king of pop, a legend, a perfection, a literal God of music! A lot of my music is inspired by him! He is an example of what an artist should be. 

I am such a big fan of real showmen and performers on stage. I cannot mention Elvis Presley and Britney Spears! Another giant inspirations of mine! I really love how Elvis was not afraid to be himself on stage. The way he moved on stage was impossible for anyone else. He was ahead of his time. Britney is also a phenomenal performer and a wonderful artist. The energy that these artists put out in their songs and on stage deserves enormous praise. 

What would you say is your biggest challenge with your music career? 

For me, one of the biggest challenges right now is promoting my music. To be honest, I really enjoy promoting my songs, but unfortunately, sometimes it feels like results still stay the same after many tries to do so. At the same time, I hope that it’s so far from the truth! I love to experiment with different types of promotions, and I’m sure they can be original and organic! 

What are your immediate music goals? 

I really want to inspire people as an artist. I want to share my emotions, stories, support, and personal experience throughout my music and performances. I want to be really connected with my audience! I enjoy being on stage, I feel like it’s my second home. Nothing compares with the happiness on people’s faces and their applause after performing. This is what I was born for. 

Right now, I’m working on several new projects, and I can’t wait until I share them with the world!


So excited for those new projects!  

As always, I want to thank Olesya for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to accompany the interview.

I'm sure you’ll all want to follow her and see what she has going on. I would follow her on Instagram and Spotify to make sure you don't miss a thing. 

Thanks again Olesya, and good luck reaching your goals!

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