
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Current Tour: Kelsey Blackstone, Allie Dunn, and Felicity Team Up to Visited Section 36 Prior to Tour (Part 2)

They're back! Hopefully you enjoyed part one of our fantastic interview with Kelsey Blackstone, Allie Dunn, and Felicity prior to embarking on their tour. Today we'll cover the rest of that interview to prepare us all for the rest of their performances.

So, here's the rest of what happened when Kelsey, Allie, and Felicity all visited Section 36!

Do you have any pre or post show rituals?
KELSEY: I mean, I feel like we probably have some similar pre show rituals, just like drinking a ton of water. Lots of tea with honey, and warm ups before the show. I feel like something big for me I didn't really realize that it was important for me until pretty recently. But, the act of actually getting in my stage outfit, my makeup, my hair, and being able to have that. Ideally, do it alone or just like in a quiet corner somewhere. It's just like such a nice way to center myself and breathe. And just kinda, think about what I need to do before the show, which is great. And then post show ritual is have a blast. That's it.
FELICITY: I like to work out like, really open my lungs up before show. And then, eat protein. Not too heavy. a light protein. So if I do get nervous, I, don't have to worry about it, and I just have something in my stomach. I know I can feel myself. And I love the ritual of getting ready...knowing what you're gonna wear, the hair, the makeup, you know. And then I feel like I'm not gonna drink on this tour, only because I haven't done a tour before, so I don't wanna be too tired. But if it's a local show, when we're getting off stage...we're drinking.
ALLIE: I'm with you. Felicity. I don't drink on the road. I don't drink ever when I'm playing, just because my vocal cords are super sensitive. So I don't. I don't mess around with it. But yeah, I think just like hydration station all day. And then I just vibe to my favorite music before and just take that energy on the stage.

What is your favorite part about performing in front of an audience?
ALLIE: Favorite thing is like getting the crowd to be involved.
hat's my favorite thing for sure.
FELICITY: I mean, I love every single thing about it. Like literally. I feel like my soul is quenched when I'm on stage and nothing else in my life does that for me.
KELSEY: I completely agree. And I feel like it's one of those things where you can't go through all of this months of planning and trial and tribulation and everything if you don't like freaking love every second you're on stage. Sometimes even in my like day to day I'm just like, "Oh, my gosh!" Sometimes when I haven't performed for a little while, I'm just really missing that kind of inspiration to keep going. And yeah, performing alway just like completely fills up my soul. Like something I've been doing since forever, and it just feels right so feels great.

How do you plan to stay? Healthy and energized while on tour?
 We're working out. We're running. We're eating healthily. I'm packing lean snacks for everybody.
ALLIE: I think that's the same thing. Like, last time last time I was on tour I was so dead that I just couldn't work out. But I did go for walks. And I was like, alright, this actually feels like I'm doing something.
FELICITY: And that's the beauty of us traveling together as well. Everything can be split, you know? We can split our time. We can all make sure we're rested. There's more than enough of us to drive. That's the beautiful thing about going on tour with your friends. It shouldn't be stressful if we've planned it correctly. We're doing everything as best we can. I think it can be something healthy and sustainable, and something we do really well. I don't think any of us are trying to rage until we touch back down in Nashville, anyway. So I think it's going to be good.
KELSEY: Yeah, I think a big thing for me when I was on tour last summer was kinda what you were saying too. All going on walks, and not only just for, I guess, physical well being, but mental well being, too. It's just it's so nice. Get away from everybody like for a second, or get away from thinking about the tour and everything that comes with it, and just being able to to move. And then something, too, that I I did last summer, which I definitely want to do again is having a pack or two of water bottles and snacks, of course, but the water bottles in my car. Especially because I was responsible for my whole band of seven, and I was momming it up. I was like, I know, you guys are going to be dehydrated. I know you're not going to bring water bottles. So I'm thinking ahead. And yeah, I think it definitely helped.

Do you have a specific goal in mind in order to call the tour a success?
ALLIE: I definitely want to sell out New York, which I have no doubt in my mind we will. I just have no doubt in my mind that we're gonna have great turnouts and it's going to be a turning point in all our careers.
FELICITY: Oh, yeah. I think we got Nashville. I think we got New York, and I think who knows? Might surprise ourselves with a couple of other places, too. I can't wait to make connections with people and make fans. And I have music out for the first time in 6 years and people hearing it, that's an amazing, amazing thing. So being able to do that in person is really special, especially when it's like in corners of the country, you might not normally get to.
KELSEY: Absolutely. I really agree, with both of you, and I think it's definitely possible. I have a really good feeling about all of the cities that we're going to. I feel like we're gonna do like really well. To break it down concisely, though, this answer for me is like 2 things, I guess. First and foremost is, I'm releasing a single, a new original song right when we get back from tour on June 7th. The single has been in the works now, for like almost three years. So it's been like a really long time coming. And I'm very, very relieved and proud of how it's come out. So I'm like bringing a lot of like merch on the road like centered around it trying to really kinda get people to to care about it hopefully. But yeah, it's called "Willow". It's about like getting older, and all of that fun stuff. But so there's that if if that goes well and and people are receptive to that. And then number two is, if in a year from now we are all still friends, and talking and helping each other out and working...then I think that's another like great mark of success, too.
ALLIE: Kelsey, I'm also releasing on June seventh, so the world will be blessed with our music.
FELICITY: I have one. On June ninth.
ALLIE: This is literally this is the best news I've ever got. This is just like it ties the end of the tour together in a beautiful like. Here you go world.
KELSEY: What are the names of your two songs that are coming out in June?
ALLIE: Mine is called "Short Hair".
FELICITY: Mine is, "There's Been a lot Going On". 


What a way to end things! Can't thank Kelsey, Felicity, and Allie enough for talking with us. Be sure to get your tickets for their tour now so you don't miss a single show! And, be on the lookout for their new singles releasing soon. Hear them on tour, hear them in your home, hear them everywhere.

Don't forget to check out each of these amazing women so you can learn more about them as artists.

Instagram: KelseyFelicityAllie
Spotify: KelseyFelicityAllie
Website: KelseyFelicityAllie

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