
Monday, April 22, 2024

GIGI Visits Section 36 Music!

Section 36 
Music has another visitor!
 GIGI is a wonderful singer whose debut single "Won't Be Me" is definitely one you want on your radar.
 I was thrilled that she was willing to visit with us and discuss her music, future goals, and more. I’m sure you’ll enjoy everything she has to say.

So, let's see what happens when GIGI visits Section 36 Music!

I am incredibly excited for your upcoming debut single. What can you tell me about it?

Thank you so much, love to hear it! I am thrilled to finally be able to have it out in the world. The title of the single is “Won’t Be Me” . It is an upbeat trap pop type of vibe. Definitely a song you would wanna dance to but also something that could play in the background while you’re getting ready to go out with your girls. I was inspired to write the song after an experience I had while out at the club. Now let me just say,  I don’t go to the club to talk to men. I go to have fun with my friends, dance, and most importantly NETWORK. Believe it or not, the club is a great place to network if you’re a musician. On this particular night, the moment I walked into the club, I had this one guy lurking around me. I kept brushing him off and ignoring him because I truly just wasn't interested. After about 2 hours of me ignoring him he finally got the message. This really made me think to myself, why is it that women can simply just exist and men will STILL be all over them. The recurring motif in the song is the idea that just because I’m a pretty girl doesn’t mean that I want to talk to you. There are guys out there who have that mentality of “I can have anyone that I want to”...well so can I, and at the end of the day you can flirt as much as you want, but no matter what you do…It won’t be me. It’s so cheeky and fun and I really hope people will resonate with the message and have fun singing along. 

What was your favorite part of the recording process?

Without a doubt the late night recording sessions. There were times when my team and I were laid up in the studio all night and I would have to take little power naps on the floor. I absolutely adore that creative energy that forms when you find a group of people that work well together. Since we were all spending so much time together in the studio,  there was this natural flow and we were able to create this really great vibe in the work environment that helped foster my creativity, even when times were tough. There were lots of nights where I would start getting really sleepy in the booth and it was obvious to my producers, so whenever this would happen we would have mandatory dance parties just to get the blood flowing and the good energy up.  It sounds cliche, but magic really does happen in the studio. Since the song is finished I have been much more focused on the business side of things, which is very important, but I truly cannot wait to get back in the booth. 

You’re attending Berklee College of Music. What makes Berklee the right place for you?

The reason why I feel so good about being at Berklee is because of the strong sense of community that I have built here. My song is fully produced and engineered by Berklee students. Being able to work and grow with others is the most rewarding part of attending school here. It pushes me to work harder and become the best version of my artistic self. There is also something to be said about the plethora of opportunities available here at Berklee. I have made more industry connections in my 2 semesters here than I have my whole life before attending. Berklee is what you make it. I have taken every opportunity presented to me and that is why I find myself to be successful here. That and a whole lot of hard work. 

Who or what would you consider your biggest musical influences?

Right now I am loving Sabrina Carpenter. I think she has done a beautiful job of building her brand. She has this really fun cheeky element to her music that I am super inspired by. I also love Kendrick Lamar. I remember my older brother would always play his stuff while growing up so his music has always been a part of my life. Though our genres are different, I think it is amazing how poetic he is in his songs, they really do tell a story. I’m inspired to be a storyteller like that and really get through to people using my music as a medium. I also love his flow. It is just so satisfying to me. I truly think that he is one of the best lyricists of our generation.

What would you say is your biggest challenge with your music career?

I grew up in the world of classical music, particularly in the world of opera. My whole life I was put into this box musically. Since I was a little girl, I was told that the only way I would ever make it in that industry was if I were to “tone down my personality.”  I studied classical voice and opera at The Boston Conservatory for a semester. It was during my time there when I truly came to terms with the fact that I was completely neglecting my true passion for writing my own songs and performing music in a contemporary setting. Dropping out of Conservatory was the best thing I ever did to myself.  I needed some time to reflect on what I really wanted. Walking away from something that was once a dream come true was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do, but I am so grateful every single day that I trusted my gut and did what I felt was right for me, and now I am doing what I’ve always wanted to do in the way that I want to do it. At the end of the day, my classical background taught me so much about hard work and discipline…but the most important lesson I learned from my experience is that I am not willing to change to uphold the standards of others. In the contemporary world, my outgoingness and bubbly personality has gotten me so far, and I am so grateful that I get to do what I love and be my true self while I'm doing it. 

What are your immediate music goals?

I really just want my music to resonate with others. There are so many artists that are motivated by acquiring fame and fortune. I’m not saying that those things aren’t lovely and wonderful things to want, but for me it’s more about personal fulfillment. After pretending to be somebody I wasn’t for years and years, it feels so good to put out the kind of music that I want to make. I want to start playing more live shows in the coming months because I love performing for an audience. I want people to sing and dance to my music and just love it as much as I do.  The ultimate goal for me in my journey is to be able to support myself and my family while doing something that I love, everything else is just considered a bonus!


I can't wait to hear that single!  

As always, I want to thank GIGI for visiting with us, and for sending along the pictures to accompany the interview.

I'm sure you’ll all want to follow her and see what she has going on. I would follow her on Instagram to make sure you don't miss a thing. 

Thanks again GIGI, and good luck reaching your goals!