
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Michelle Rose Visits Section 36!

Photo by Amanda Ferguson Photography
Section 36 Music has another visitor! Michelle Rose is a talented singer, and current student at Berklee College of Music. You may be familiar with her recently released music video. I was excited that she was willing to visit with us to discuss that, and everything else having to do with her budding music career. I'm sure you'll enjoy what she had to say.

So, let's see what happened when Michelle Rose Visited Section 36!

You recently released a fantastic video for your song “Angel in Disguise”. What was that like to put together? 
It was a dream-come-true.  We planned and finished it within a month.  I’ve always wanted to put together an edgier music video with a motorcycle and lots of leather, and I finally had the opportunity to do that.  I’ve also always loved colored eye contacts and wanted to use them for a project, and I’m so happy that I could use them for this video. I tried to incorporate many different “disguises” in the video, so I had a brunette wig, gray/white wig, red contacts, red cat eye contacts, and white contacts.  I really wanted to surprise people with the different costumes. We filmed it in one long fifteen-hour filming day, and it was amazing! We were all exhausted by the end of it, but I’m so proud of that video. It’s my favorite one that I’ve ever worked on. 

Does the video release mean a single for “Angel in Disguise” will be on the way?  
It depends!   I’m currently trying to finish a full album with my producer, so it will definitely be on that album.  I’m just not sure if I’ll also release it as a single, or just with the the full album. 

You have several other amazing original songs on your website. Are there plans to release those in the future?
 Thank you so much!  Yes, and I’m so excited about it!  I started working on this album with my producer two years ago, so I’m really anxious to finish that once these next few songs are recorded.  My voice and music style has matured a lot over these past two years, so I think it will be fun to hear that progression when you listen to the album. 

You’re currently a student at Berklee. What is the most important thing that is doing for your career?
It’s giving me an amazing education and making me a better musician.  Most of my favorite singers only focus on singing in their careers, which is great, but for me, it was really important to have a well-rounded music education so I can better communicate with other musicians and have more control over my career.  I really love learning, and Berklee has been incredible for that. Berklee was my dream school for years, so I really feel honored to have the opportunity to walk around this campus and be surrounded by talented musicians everyday.

You have had the opportunity to perform live in various locations. Does any specific appearance stand out in your mind? Why?
Every year for the past five years, I’ve had the opportunity to sing the National Anthem at the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure Walk, in front of 40,000 people.  Like many performers, the bigger the crowd, the more comfortable I feel; so it’s the ideal crowd size for me. When I was little, I dreamt about performing in front of crowds of this size, and it’s crazy to think that I’ve already accomplished that goal. 

Right now, what would you say is your biggest career challenge?
Getting noticed by more people.  I feel that I’ve been doing all that I can to set up this career for myself, and the next step is to have more people viewing my videos and listening to my music.  Sometimes it can be frustrating, feeling like not many people have access to what you’re putting out into the world. But I know that, with time, more people will see it and hopefully want to keep following my music career. 

What are your immediate career goals?
Photo by
Amanda Ferguson Photography
I have many, but I don’t give secrets away. :)  Realistically, I want to have more people listening to my music, grow a bigger following with that, and eventually start touring.  That’s been my dream my whole life.  


Hopefully we can all help Michelle reach those goals!

As always, I want to thank Michelle for visiting. I also want to thank her for sending along so many amazing pictures to accompany the interview. Stay tuned to see even more pictures featured on Section 36 in the future!

Since I'm sure you want to follow along with Michelle to see what she's up to and how her career is progressing, I suggest you check out and follow her social media accounts: Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. You should also be sure to visit her website. As I mentioned, she has a lot of great music stored there, among other things!

Of course you should also check out her Section 36 Music page. There you'll find more links, pictures, and some of her music. It's a great way to enjoy everything Michelle has to offer.

Thanks again Michelle, and good luck with your next endeavor! 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Christiana Berenguer Visits Section 36!

Section 36 Music has another visitor! You may remember Christiana from her wonderful appearance at Fenway Park,
Photo by Brian Doherty
which she discussed here. Now I thought it would be fun 
to talk all about her music. She recently moved to New York City to give a boost to her singing career, so I'm sure you're as anxious as I am to hear how that's gone and what she has coming up next.

So let’s see what happens when Christiana Berenguer visits Section 36!

You recently moved from Boston to New York City. What led to that change?
I have always wanted to live in NYC for as long as I can remember. I was obsessed with Juliard before I discovered Berklee and I did a lot of classical voice auditions in NYC in high-school. I got an Internship at Mac Presents in NYC and decided that this was the best place for me right now at this stage in my life and career. 

You’ve been able to perform live on many occasions, including the memorable appearance at Fenway Park. What have you enjoyed about those shows?
Photo by
Brian Doherty
I have always written my own music, recorded my own music and performed concerts in my bedroom since I was little. Being at Berklee really allowed me to participate in all kinds of performances in several genres. I love when I am standing up there in front of everyone singing because I feel proud that I am pursuing the dreams that I have had since I was young. I feel the same when walking city streets, or during studio sessions. I am happy that I stuck with something that I love, and that my hard work paid off.

Do you have any upcoming appearances you’re excited about?
Not YET but I just recorded a video demo to be able to perform at restaurants all around NYC, and I have some new music in the works with some amazing producers and writers. 

I really enjoyed your music video to “Finding Me”. How was that to put together?
“Finding Me” was a very therapeutic song for me that I co wrote with my dear friend of Sleeping Lion, Nate Flaks and wonderful producer/ friend Adam Loeffler. I met the guys at Surefire Creative Studios through the owner at UFC gym that I attended and they really worked with me on pricing, visuals, theme and more. I was nervous at first filming something so professional but I was in my element really quickly. Most importantly, I was so proud of the exhausting rewarding hours that I put into it.

After the success of the “Finding Me” single, have you been doing any more studio work lately?
Yes yes absolutely! Finally settled into NYC and working with some amazing friends and producers on some tracks. Really trying to not be so hard on myself and just take it easy instead of stressing that I’m “too old” because I’m obviously not. Will update everyone soon :) 

Right now, what would you say is your biggest career challenge?
My biggest career challenge right now is myself and the self doubt that I have had lately. I am afraid to write sometimes because I feel like what I write is crap and that I am never going to make it in such a populated industry. It’s all I’ve ever wanted so that’s TERRIFYING. My anxiety also tries to tell me I’m too old to be a famous touring pop musician because my idols started WAY younger. This is simply in my head and something I must work through, and I deal with it everyday.

What are your immediate career goals?
Put out a new single about the interesting stage I’m at in my life right now. I’m finally happy with who I am as a woman and that’s big for me. I am planning on performing gigs around NYC for some extra cash as well.  Just always reminding myself to be kind to myself.


That sounds like a wonderful plan.

As always, I want to thank Christiana for visiting. It was great to catch up and hear everything she had to say. I also want to thank her for sending along the pictures that accompany the interview. They always make for a much better post!

Since I'm sure you want to follow along with Christiana to see what she's up to, I suggest you check out and follow her social media accounts: InstagramFacebook, and Twitter.

Of course you should also check out her Section 36 Music page. There you'll find more links, pictures, and some of her music. It's a great way to enjoy everything Christiana has to offer.

Thanks again Christiana, and good luck with your upcoming activities!